full-time, interim & consulting

Our Opportunities


Your Digital
Career Agent

We help you develop your career over time.

Create Profile

Describe your past, present and future. We'll help you develop your profile over the course of your career.

Engage Anonymously

Engage in personalized career opportunities anonymously. You decide when to take the next step.

Career Advice

Access personalized career advice and services that help you develop over time.

Get Exposure
Without Disclosure

CFO, New York
“I'm relocating from New York
to Stockholm and want to continue growing professionally.”
CEO, Copenhagen
“I have an unconventional profile and want to realize my aspirations through board and advisory positions.”
CTO, Stockholm
“I'm open for new opportunities, but want to be discreet about my interest in joining new a startup.”

Our Commitment
to Your Privacy

  • We only show your profile to potential employers with your permission
  • We do not sell your information
  • You can always say no to marketing from us
Anonymized members rely on Exparang to discreetly access career opportunities. They safely assess opportunities in stealth mode and are in full control of when to reveal their identity.

Open Doors to a
Fulfilling Career

Meaningful professional challenges lead to remarkable achievements and better personal well-being.

Unlock Dream Opportunities

Discreetly find, evaluate and pursue curated leadership, board and high-impact opportunities that fit your aspirations. We help you lead a purposeful career.

The Person Behind the CV

Not just matching experience. We capture the person behind the CV by factoring in aspirations, preferences, competencies, dealbreakers, motivations, and values.

Not Actively Looking?

Get career management in stealth mode. Exparang is a digital career agent helping professionals seize opportunities before they start actively looking.

Unlock the Next
Step of Your Career

We continuously look out
for your career interests.
Become a Member
No commitment, no cost.


Slottsbacken 8
111 30 Stockholm


For Members
For Companies
Executive Sourcing
Internal Mobility
© 2020-2024 Exparang AB, All Rights Reserved.